Saturday, September 09, 2006



Here's a link to a website called 'Kiva'. Whoever is putting this together is a smart dude. It's a website that matches up lenders to borrowers of microcredit loans. I don't know that it's possible to make this a truly large scale project, but it's a great website to go to if you're interested in learning what kind of things people need for microcredit loans.

I've checked out this site. It's great. Have you seen those commercials about how you can feed a child for as little as 29 cents per day? This is kind of like that. You can actually make a micro-loan to a third world entrepreneur, and get paid back! This site has effectively removed the barrier to entry of changing the world. I hope you check it out.

I've added a link to KIVA link on the right hand side bar. At this point I can't figure out how to put a banner on this post. But here's a picture of Muhammed Yunus, the founder of Microcredit. He is the man.

Also, here is a video introducing a microcredit accelerator called Unitus.



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